Rowing Events


Dear All

Having spent the day setting up for the regatta and getting everything ready to go, the weather gods have turned against us. The river level is now expected to be higher than anticipated and reluctantly we have decided to cancel both days of the regatta. We feel it is unlikely that we would be able to run the races safely on either day and wanted to make the decision earlier rather than leave it to the last minute. We hope this will allow you to make alternative plans for the weekend.
Thank you for your support and I hope it will not put you off entering our events in the future. In fact we are now looking for a date to reschedule our regatta later in the summer.
Once again, I am sorry we have had to make this decision, but we genuinely thought we would be able to run. I hope you appreciate we tried.
With kind regards
Carol Lovelock ERC

Friday 2pm

Evesham Saturday Regatta will now be run over the sprint course, same draw, just slight changes in times to follow. Sunday is planned to run as scheduled. All river level dependent.

Friday 1pm

Firstly, my apologies for keeping you waiting. We are keen to give your crews a race on Saturday, but river levels will slow things down too much to allow the 1000m course to be run. We are now planning to run the same draw over the Sprint Course on Saturday. We realise this is not what you signed up for, but hope you are keen to have a race of some sort, rather than nothing.

Should you decide to scratch, we would refund your entry fee, but would ask you to consider your opposition before doing so, especially if it means a straight final is wiped out.
A new race schedule will be published. The race order will remain unchanged but the race intervals are slightly different and we will take into account the events that have been taken out.
The landing stage will be under water by a few inches, so wellies will be needed.
There is still a chance that the river will rise to a level where we have to cancel, but we hope this will ot be the case. With dry weather over Saturday, Sunday should be fine.
The good news is that we have been given permission to use the Crown Meadow, so trailers will be parked there. We hope to park cars there too, but will check the condition of the surface in the morning and monitor this during the day, and if it starts cutting up, cars may have to park elsewhere.
Anyone bringing a trailer this evening, please text me with your ETA. 07759578236.

Update Thursday Evening  2.5.24

We think that we will be able to run Sunday as scheduled. We are less certain about Saturday but there is still a strong chance that we will be able to run it with some changes, so do not want to cancel at this stage. We will have a better idea tomorrow about the river level we can expect for Saturday morning, so will update you again midday tomorrow. I’m sorry we can’t be more certain, but I’m sure you understand that we would like to run the event if at all possible.
We think it prudent to take some events out on Saturday, so are cancelling the J15 & WJ15 1x and the J14 2x. Please give my apologies to your crews, I know how disappointed they will be.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Race Order Saturday 2024

Race Order Sunday 2024

Race Trees Evesham Saturday 2024

Race Trees Evesham Sunday 2024

Evesham Rowing Club Welfare Information

Evesham Rowing Club General Information

ERC Club Flood Plan

ERC Club Launch Driving Procedure

ERC Club Useful Information for Parents

ERC Club Risk Assessment Coached Outing Form

ERC Club Risk Assessment Unsupervised Outing Form

Evesham Rowing Club Regatta and Head Competition Information

ERC Event Safety Plan All Events

ERC Event Regatta Important Notice to all Competitors

ERC Event Regatta Marshal Instructions

ERC Event Risk Assessment

ERC Event Emergency Access Points and Contacts

ERC Event Regatta 500 Course Map

ERC Event Regatta 1000 Course Map



RESULTS Saturday ERC Regatta 2023

RESULTS Sunday ERC Regatta 2023

Evesham Senior Head 2022 -Cancelled, due to high river levels

Evesham Junior Head 2022

Evesham JH22 Results

Evesham Regatta 2022

Saturday 2022

Sunday Sprint 2022

Junior Head 2021 Results – 

JH Times for Div 1

JH Times for Div 2 Short Course

JH Times for Div 2 Long Course

JH Times for Div 3

Evesham Regatta 2020 & 2021- cancelled due to Covid 19 

Evesham Senior Head 2019 – cancelled due to bad weather

Evesham Regatta 2019

Saturday 1000m

Sunday Sprint

Results for the Evesham Senior Head 2018

ERC Avon Masters and Senior Head 2018 – Results – Results Print By Time

Evesham Regatta 2018



Results for Avon Masters & Evesham Senior Head  2017

Time Order – Avon Masters and Evesham Autumn Head Final Results – Saturday 25th November

Event Order – Avon Masters and Evesham Autumn Head Final Results – Saturday 25th November 2017

“All masters times have been adjusted in line with the British Rowing Masters Handicapping Data – 2015”.

Avon Masters and Evesham Autumn Head – Saturday 25th November 2017 – Finished Draw

Evesham Junior Head 2019 – cancelled due to bad weather

Evesham Junior Head 2018 – cancelled due to bad weather

Results for Evesham Junior Head 2017

Evesham Junior Head – Division 1

Evesham Junior Head – Division 2

Evesham Junior Head – Division 3

Results for Evesham Regatta 2017



Results for the Evesham Senior Head 2016

Masters of the Avon & Evesham Senior Head – Results by Time

Masters of the Avon & Evesham Senior Head – Results by Event

Results for the Evesham Junior Head 2016

ERC Junior Head of River Results by Event Saturday 15th October 2016

Results for the Evesham Regatta & Sprint 2016:

ERC Regatta Saturday Results 2016

ERC Regatta Sprint Results Sunday 2016

Results for the Evesham Senior Head 2015:

2015 11 ERC Senior Head of River Results by Time Saturday 28th November 2015

2015 11 ERC Senior Head of River Results by Event Saturday 28th November 2015

Results for the Evesham Junior Head 2015:

Junior Head of the River Results by Event 17th October 2015

Junior Head Of the River Results by Time 17th October 2015

Evesham Regatta Results 2015

Evesham Regatta 2015 Saturday Results

Evesham Regatta 2015 Sunday Results

Results for the Evesham Junior Head 2014:

Junior Head Results By Event

Junior Head Results by Time

ERC Head – Course Records

Evesham Rowing Club Head of River Course Records as at 21st November 2015

ERC Junior Head of River Course Records as at Friday 13th October 2017

Ross Regatta